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Book: The Gender Communication Handbook: Conquering Conversational Collisions Between Men and Women
Claire Damken Brown, Ph.D. and Audrey Nelson, Ph.D.
Pfeiffer - An Imprint of Wiley
April 2012
ISBN 978-1-118-12879-4
Ordering Information
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Brief Summary
This book is for anyone who works with the opposite sex. Whether you are part of a management team, in human resources, or develop corporate training, this comprehensive guide will give you smart advice, extensive research, and true-to-life case studies. With self-assessments, experiential exercises, quizzes, and insights from a combined seventy years of training and consulting experience in gender communication, this easy-to-follow guide offers compelling advice that will enhance communication between the sexes and affect the bottom line.
The rules for the workplace are constantly changing, and most of us spend more time at work than we do at home. We rely on communication with the opposite sex to get our job done. The Gender Communication Handbook was written to clarify some of the many questions about gender and how the rules have changed. This book will help individuals thrive in an increasingly diverse workplace and find a common language. Successful gender communication is a business mandate.
This book prepares the trainer with a straightforward, easy-to-understand approach to gender communication. Each chapter presents the background for why men and women communicate the way they do and how to improve it. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step exercises and activities are designed for the new trainer, and more experienced trainers will find this a resource for a novel approach with the latest advances, research, and perspectives on gender communication.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started: Are Men and Women Just Born Different or Do They Learn to Be Different?
- He Speaks, She Speaks: What Different Things They Say
- Gender Conversation Technicalities: Interruptions, Overlapping, and Other Turn-Taking Dilemmas
- Women, Men, and Unspoken Messages
- How She and He Listen
- Men, Women, and Conflict: Take It Like a Man Versus Nice Girls Don’t Do Conflict
- He and She Wired
- Final Thoughts on Reaching Across the Gender Divide
- Example One-Hour Program
- A Half-Day Program
- A Full-Day Program
To learn more about the book and its authors, you may go to
Book: Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen
Claire Damken Brown, Ph.D. and Audrey Nelson, Ph.D.
Alpha Books, a member of the Penguin group
September 2009 / 336 pages
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-59257-926-6
Ordering Information
To order books from the web you may go to or You may also order by calling the publisher, Alpha Books/Penguin, at 1-800-631-8571.
Brief Summary
Men and women DO have unique communication styles that don’t always mesh well. Code Switching offers a way of “reaching across the aisle” to open the lines of communication. It helps both women and men crack the gender code and speak in common terms, so work gets done, conflict gets resolved, and mutual understanding and respect prevail … in the workplace and beyond.
The strategies in Code Switching go beyond mere common sense. Authors Brown and Nelson provide cutting-edge techniques that can be applied directly with immediate success. Examples and anecdotes show how others have used these practices to demolish communication barriers and break through stereotypes.
Don’t wait another day to gain more impact and get the recognition you deserve. Discover the secret of Code Switching, and be heard and understood in the workplace and beyond.
What You'll Learn
In Code Switching, you will discover:
• How men and women manage conversation, and the value of “chitchat” prior to a meeting.
• How men use language to impart information and women use language to build or indicate relationship.
• How men use e-mail to emphasize control while women use it to share and build rapport.
• How women can use language to build their credibility.
• How humor is used as a power play, to build territory, or to exclude others (mostly women).
• How gender talk creates and shapes work relationships.
• Discover the secret of Code Switching, and be heard and understood… once and for all.
Table of Contents
- From the Playground to the Boardroom: Where Does It All Begin?
- Women in the Social Maintenance Department
- Getting Down to Business: She Speaks, He Speaks!
- Is Anyone Listening?
- The Mechanics of Gender Communication
- Wired: A Talent for a Technical Age
- It's What You Don't Say That Means a Lot
- Are You Wearing That?
- Fight Fair and Get What's Yours
- Ask For What You Deserve
- Managing the Office Bully
- Workplace Humor: Knock-Knocking at the Executive Suite
- Don't Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve
- Keep Your Hands to Yourself
- Cupid at the Office: Proceed with Caution
- Leading the Way Up the Corporate Ladder
- Stand Up and Deliver: When You Are Front and Center
- You Can't Get to the Top Alone: Power Networking and Mentoring
- Boss Lady: Making Career Conquests
- Cracking the Gender Communication Code: Now to the Future
Here are the top 6 questions Claire receives about Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen
Q: What makes your book different from others that address communication between the sexes?
Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen is not a book that addresses simple gender communication or daily communication between the sexes. It’s not a date book with how-to steps on seducing the opposite sex. It’s not about what planet you’re from or how to improve your marriage.
This book focuses on women in the workplace and how they can best communicate to get their message across to the people they work with. By “people” we mean the men they work with. It’s a statistical fact that men the majority of CEOs and executives holding the power and making the key decisions that impact careers, companies, and corporations. Our book provides discussion, examples, and skills to help women improve their business communication, which will lead to their strengthened credibility and potential career advancement. Women deserve to take their place as leaders in businesses and this book supports them in bringing their leadership skills to the forefront.
Q: What do you mean by code switching?
Code switching is the ability to use your knowledge of two or more cultures or languages and switch between them, depending on the situation, to best communicate your message. For businesswomen code switching is the ability to use their knowledge of men’s and women’s styles of communication and select and use the best style or combination of styles to get their voices heard and leadership recognized.
Q: How does your book teach women to improve their communication skills at work?
This book is a practical resource with how-to steps to help businesswomen conquer the communication nuances between men and women in the workplace. Our book examines different workplace communication situations such as conflicts, interruptions, bullying, mentoring, networking, listening skills, addressing harassment, and managing your career. Using true stories and case studies, it teaches and provides valuable code-switching tips to help women gain and strengthen credibility, and make a greater impact in the workplace. Readers can practice these easy tips to develop their communication skills.
Q: Why is the ability to Code Switch seen as a critical skill for successful working women?
By gaining insight into men's and women's communication styles, women create an awareness of our communication choices. It's about consciously mixing it up using both the male and female communication styles to produce an overall androgynous, synergistic approach. This blend makes things happen. Some argue, and statistics support for many that the workplace is still a man’s world. If a woman is talking at work, there's a high probability that a man is on the receiving end and making a career-impacting decision for her based on what she just said. The goal is to make women more aware of their communication strategies. Based on their goals, women with knowledge of both styles of communication can intentionally switch between the two. With a few code switching tips, they can increase their clout and potential careers.
Q: Isn’t that sexist to make women change their communication style to adapt to men? Why don’t you teach men how to listen to women?
We’d love to teach men how to listen at work (and we do teach men and women in our "communication between the sexes" training seminars). But let’s face it. In most workplaces, men have the power and that’s the foundation on which the U.S. business world (and many around the globe) has been built. Most businessmen don’t have any incentive to change. Now you may argue that the world is changing, the world is more diverse, there are more and more women in the workplace, more women than men are graduating college in the U.S., and more women are receiving medical and law degrees. However the workplace is still slow to change to accept and fully utilize women’s full potential. Disagree? Then look at all the lawsuits that continue in terms of equal pay for women, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. We’re not male-bashing. We’re not asking women to act like men. We’re providing communication choices that can help women succeed in the workplace.
Q: Does Code Switching only apply to the workplace?
Women can use code switching beyond the workplace. Understanding the differences in men’s and women’s styles of communication, and how women can best communicate a message to men, applies everywhere men and women exist. This book arms women with the knowledge necessary to code switch when they feel the need and get their messages heard. For instance, it could be at a parent-teacher meeting, at the motor vehicles office, to filing a complaint with the cable company, or on the home front. Any place where women and men are talking with each other, code switching will come in handy.

Book: Conflict and Diversity
Claire Damken Brown, Charlotte Snedeker, and Beate Sykes, Editors
Hampton Press, Inc.
October 1997 / 320 pages
Hardback: ISBN 1-57273-070-6 $65.00
Paperback: ISBN 1-57273-071-4 $24.95
Ordering Information
To order books from the web you may go to or You may also order by calling the publisher, Hampton Press, at 1-800-894-8955.
Brief Summary
A thought-provoking, instructional, and highly relevant resource book for mid to upper level managers, Conflict and Diversity provides immediate insight into managing and enhancing workplace diversity. Each chapter, written by outstanding communication and diversity management experts, clearly addresses different aspects of implementation and potential conflicts. The theoretical discussions, research and case studies assist readers in learning about diversity-related obstacles and the tools needed to conquer them. Controversial topics such as racial tension, gender stereotyping, white men feeling discriminated against, and hostilities during diversity workshops are addressed. Applicable to both corporate and academic settings, Conflict and Diversity is an invaluable aid for managing complex issues.
What You'll Learn
Conflict and Diversity provides answers for those wanting to:
Enhance their knowledge and skills on diversity issues and implementation
Evaluate, manage, and circumvent diversity-related conflicts
Improve gender and diversity training sessions
Increase employee productivity and morale, and
Succeed at integrating diversity management into organizational goals.

Table of Contents Introduction
Defining Diversity: An Overview by Claire Damken Brown, Charlotte Snedeker, and Beate Sykes Part One
1. Diversity: Importance, Ironies and Pathways by Thomas Harris
2. Managing Diversity: A Review of Recommendations for Success by Heidi Brinkman
3. Ethical Issues in Conflict and Diversity by Lea Stewart
4. Auditing the Organizational Culture for Diversity: A Conceptual Framework by Wendy Chung
Part Two
5. American Deaf Culture: Community Through Conflict by Kara Schultz
6. An Assessment Index for Measuring Employee Perceptions of Diversity Management by Heidi Brinkman
7. Cultural and Structural Differences in Communication-Related Work Values: The Potential for Conflict by Siobahn Hamilton and Jake Harwood
8. Gender Perceptions: Conflicting Attitudes for Females in Career Decision Making by Mary Mandeville
9. Students' Perceptions of Racial Tensions on a University Campus by Karla Jensen
Part Three
10. The Politics of Diversity: Exploring Four Identity Crises in a Community Development Leadership Program by Jeanne Porter
11. An Essay: Diversity and Unspoken Conflicts by Claire Damken Brown
12. A Diversity and Conflict Perspective by Karen Krupar
13. The Implications of Labeling White Men: A Diversity Manager's Perspective by Beate Sykes and Claire Damken Brown
14. “An Ounce of Prevention”: Suggestions for Training to Prevent Sexual Harassment by Tricia Jones and Martin Remland
15. Managing Conflicts and Hostilities During Diversity Discussions and Training by Gretchen Groth
16. Managing Issues of Resistance and Sex Stereotyping When Conducting Gender Awareness Workshops by Brigid Moynahan
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